date: 09.01.10
location: campus quad
- date: 9.29.10 location: worthington library sket...
- date: 9.27.10 location: public library sketches:
- date: 9.22.10 location: cscc sketches:
- date: 09.20.10 location: cup o' joe (i meant to g...
- date: 9.15.10 location: ballet met sketches:
- date: 9.13.10 location: wandering around high stre...
- date: 09.08.10 location: north market sketches:
- cafe sketch
I think these came out really well :)
Did the person in the second sketch hold still really long for you to be able to render them like that? o.o
Remember what we discussed about describing hair and detail... interpreting hair as a volume - not as individual strands.
Work more with the entire figure, as well.
It's a good start. Keep drawing !
I like how you almost put in a time based element with the arrow showing "before/after". Cool idea.